June 27, 2021 Commentary from a place far away: From where I was born

June 27, 2021 Commentary from a place far away: From where I was born. The greetings and well wishes started early. When life is stretched over time zones and loved ones and well-wishers remember the calendar date it might not be exactly the calendar date that is true for you, where you are. But that is the nature of the new life, especially crystalized by COVID-19. The connections have been strengthened on Zoom. Traditions and memories were made over the last 52 weeks. My cousins, who all came to the zoom room with their kind words and their wishes would not have been collectively there to do the wishes had we not reconnected when the boredom of lockdowns drew us to the screen. We discovered connections, the ability to have a beverage “together” – time and place appropriate. On the screen. And that happened today. But even before that, the early wishes came from people who cared, a WA message – indeed the first wish – much anticipated and much welcomed. A phone call from across the World, with the “Oops” moment of being a little off on time, for me, but not for the caller. Place becomes evident when the date comes earlier for me than the caller. But it all is a reminder of the strong connections, that were built years ago, but nurtured especially through COVID-19. Made the day special. To be with my son. To experience the grunge of Venice Beach, as the mist hung over the ocean and the left-over hippies sang ballads from vans. It was sunny on Hollywood Boulevard. And there was evidently no COVID-19 here anymore. The milling tourists were lapping up the kitsch of the Chinese Theater. My favorite restaurant was closed, perhaps a fall out of COVID-19, but there was no lack of places. The legendary Mel’s Drive Thru on the Sunset Strip was serving in a packed diner. The return to normality was happening so rapidly, that last year’s cake on Zoom seemed to be in a different place and different time. Exactly 365 days ago. As one of my cousins looked into the screen, looked at us in the Hawthorne hotel, and said “You are on a different planet.” The monsoon is working its way through, there are still deaths being heard about, there is still fear, there is still a certainty that another wave is on the way. But not where I finished another year of my life. Another year closer to death. But it is worthy of celebration where I am because the fear is gone, and we have survived this. It seems. There is a certain sense of certainty in some places, others are less sanguine, some are in doubt. Will this be our lives, comfortable cutting cakes on the screen, while others skate their way along the ocean.  A new disparity is happening. Very slowly, very insidiously, the World according to COVID-19. New planets being created. Some flying kites at the Korean friendship bell in Long Beach others still hunkering down in a bizarre lockdown. Wars lead to reconfiguring the World. Is this where we are headed? Today I invoke Tagore, not for a country but for the World, let us awaken to that. Where truth prevails. As I start another year in my march towards the inevitable.


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