August 1, 2021: End of Covidaze
August 1, 2021: End of Covidaze. It is certainly not the end of COVID-19. I started the effort, loosely called “Covidaze,” with the end date of today. The hope was that by this time, we would exhaust the funds from the philanthropy of my community at Wake Forest and we might all reach a point where the pandemic was somewhat in control. I was right about the funds and wrong about the pandemic. It still goes on, there are still needs, muted no doubt, but there are people looking for support with vaccines, tests, and the ancillaries that the pandemic has given us. The numbers keep varying and seem to have plateaued a bit where the Covidaze folks were working. Some of the people who needed support with supplies that Devdas was running are now back to their work as the malls and restaurants are open. On Saturday, I had gone with the hope of buying a shirt at the mall but retreated seeing the throngs of people there. Did a quick walk around to see if I could get a cup of coffee, all the outl