July 23, 2021: Learning to drive again

July 23, 2021: Learning to drive again. Today I achieved an important thing. I passed the first part of the learner’s driver’s license test. I have been driving for a long time, but it is not the license that matters. It is the creation of a new narrative of life. New identities, new realities. The American drivers license along with the International Drivers Permit allows me to drive anywhere in the World, almost. And I have. Not only driven a lot but have driven badly a lot. Stopped by Polish police after leaving the memorial of a concentration camp, hauled over in Madrid for driving into a one-way street, nearly stopped by police for an incident in Singapore, crashed a car driving from Cardiff to London, numerous speeding tickets in different parts of the World most recently after entering the Bypass from the Hyatt connector out of Salt Lake City. A checkered driving records. But today was different. As the rain poured, I stood in the line making a new part of my life story. Talking to the people who were mildly amused to see me in line for learner’s license. I was reminded by many that it is better not to drive here – get a driver – but as the wind-swept rain matted down my hair I stood before a camera and a picture was taken. A number was assigned, a new identity was produced. Another card to tell my story. So many stories, so many cards. So many documents in the pandemic World. I am still negative. The Angels set up the testing and late in the evening the file arrived with the magic word “Negative.” A license to fly. Tomorrow. I was told by the airlines many times that I must show this document before I would be allowed to board. I will have to keep the learner’s permit for a month. Learn to drive again. Need to have a licensed person next to me if I am going to drive here. Schizophrenic. I have a driver’s license with “First in Flight” written on it. Can I not keep both the narratives in my pocket? I have a licensed driver with me. Me. But I have a bondhu who has a license and will be with me when I drive. Many identities. The pandemic has led me to re-construct myself. Late in the evening as I sat with a graduate student, who was once in my class, we talked about COVID-19, and the work of the person. Relaxing. Being with students is a relaxing moment and to be able to just talk of things beyond a thesis, each of us in our comfortable different places, but working in the same space. Things I once thought would be science fiction – from HAL the computer to Alexa gently lulling me to sleep with Beethoven as company. Everything is now made possible. Tomorrow begins another narrative. Have an early morning flight. The rains are pounding outside, and I have more imagining to do. New things. New people. New realities. I have promises to keep and as I await the receipt of my learners license I can only hear Beatles saying, “Baby you can drive my car.”


MURALI said…
driving...new angle to an old skill....interesting reading
White haired teen ager said…
Many thanks, Murali - you have been inspiration for these musings - your title after all

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